
See what our customers are saying

  • Inphonite has decreased patients missing appointments due to forgetting time or date. It has also mede it easier for patients to let us know they will not be making the appointment.


    Yoakum Community Hospital

  • Reasons for choosing Inphonite: Ease of use, flexibility, and ability to manage multiple sites in one system.


    Workwell Occupational Medicine

  • We were working with a current vendor for our EHR needs and they had a relationship with Inphonite. Once we saw how the product meshed with our EHR system, it made it easy to transition to using Inphonite.


    Community Mental Health Center

  • Our no-show rate has dropped and rescheduling is a breeze for us and our patients to do via text. I love that our patients can communicate with us via text. It saves the front desk a lot of time.

    John R

    Hospital & Health Care

  • The product is very easy to use and very cost effective.

    Cynthia G.

    Medical Practice

  • During the 1st week of use, we had some glitches in the program. We had not only the tech follow up and fix the problem promptly but we had the manager reach out to us to make sure we were satisfied with the results. This gave us more confidence not only in the product but the support we would be able to rely on in the future.

    Therese Z.

    Mental Health Care

  • We set the program up and forget it. It works well for us. Pricing was about 1/2 our other company.

    Linda S.

    Hospital & Health Care

Increase your earnings, not your missed appointments

Let Inphonite revolutionize the converstions you are having with your customers.

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