Pricing That Works For You

We offer pricing that will suit your needs. Check out our different pricing plans.


$55 / month


Everything in our starter plan

  • 500 credits /month
  • For 1-2 providers
  • 500 free emails/month
  • Credit or ACH
Start Your Free Trial


$450 / month


Everything in our ultimate plan

  • 5,000 credits/month
  • For 7+ providers
  • 5,000 free emails/month
  • Credit, ACH or invoicing
Start Your Free Trial

Please contact us for Enterprise Pricing.

What Do You Get For A Credit?

When comparing Appointment Reminder Software, make sure you take a good look at what you are getting for your money. With Inphonite, a Voice Reminder gives you a full 2 minutes per credit. With Text Messages, we give you up to 3 segments, a whopping 420 characters* per credit, some providers will only give you 140 characters per text message.

Here are some of the services a single credit can be used for:

Inphonite Credit Menu

  1. A voice call, up to 2 minutes long.
  2. A Text Message (SMS) consisting of up to 3 segments. *
  3. A TextCard (MMS Message)
  4. 10 emails.
  5. 1 Survey delivery email.

* (3 segments = 420 characters when using the GSM-7 Character set)

Frequently Asked Questions

What people are asking about pricing

How do I pay my bill?

Payments can be made from within the app. We now accept ACH as well as credit card payments.

What are credits?

Credits are used by Inphonite to deliver voice calls, texts, and emails. By using credits, we are able to break up your actual cost based on the type of message you send.

Is Inphonite compatible with my EMR?

Inphonite has a flexible import/export module which allows us to integrate with most environments quickly and easily. Our implementation engineers will work together with you to test your system and data and ensure it works before you pay anything.

Increase your earnings, not your missed appointments

Let Inphonite revolutionize the converstions you are having with your customers.

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