Appointment reminder software

Appointment reminder software is an important tool in the arsenal of any business that relies on customers or clients filling the schedule.

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Ease office workload while prioritizing client or patient visit commitment

It's a simple and invaluable solution that's so easy to implement, you're likely wondering why you aren't already using it.

  • The True Cost of Missed Appointments
  • Phone Calls May Not Be Enough
  • Sending Valuable and Encouraging Reminders
  • Tips on Allowing People to Reschedule or Cancel Via Text
  • Keeping Clients and Patients on Track

The True Cost of Missed Appointments

No-shows and last minute cancellations really disrupt the flow of things. Yes, there's missed profit, but it's much more than that. Another patient or client who had a significant need for that spot could have filled it and had their needs met sooner.

Your office employees could have been working on the projects they have prioritized, rather than playing phone tag or attempting to reschedule. When a patient forgets their appointment, it jams up the gears for everyone else.

Start Your Free Trial
  • Increased Attendance Rates
  • Improved Client Satisfaction
  • Enhanced Professionalism
  • Reduced admin burden
  • Early notice of cancellations

Phone Calls May Not Be Enough

Switching to an automated reminder system yields tenfold benefits. Most practices report increased attendance rates, ensuring that patients show up for their scheduled appointments.

No more empty slots on your calendar!

Start Your Free Trial
  • Increased Attendance Rates
  • Improved Client Satisfaction
  • Enhanced Professionalism
  • Reduced admin burden
  • Early notice of cancellations

Sending Valuable and Encouraging Reminders

Patient no-shows, missed appointments, and last-minute cancellations are common challenges faced by medical practices worldwide. Regardless of specialty, location, or expertise, healthcare professionals grapple with the damaging effects of these occurrences.

But fear not! The solution lies in automated appointment reminder software.

Start Your Free Trial
  • Increased Attendance Rates
  • Improved Client Satisfaction
  • Enhanced Professionalism
  • Reduced admin burden
  • Early notice of cancellations
appointment reminder software

Tips on Allowing People to Reschedule or Cancel Via Text

When sending appointment reminders via text, include a clear and concise message that informs patients about the option to reschedule or cancel. Use friendly language and provide a direct link or instructions for making changes.

Allowing patients to respond via text means they can give you an answer if they receive the reminder while they are busy, allowing you to get a clearer picture of who will be attending.

Start Your Free Trial
  • Increased Attendance Rates
  • Improved Client Satisfaction
  • Enhanced Professionalism
  • Reduced admin burden
  • Early notice of cancellations
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Keeping Clients and Patients on Track

Patients appreciate timely reminders. By using automated software, you demonstrate care and consideration for their well-being. As a result, patient satisfaction improves, leading to stronger patient-provider relationships.

Start Your Free Trial
  • Increased Attendance Rates
  • Improved Client Satisfaction
  • Enhanced Professionalism
  • Reduced admin burden
  • Early notice of cancellations

The True Cost of Missed Appointments

Missed appointments hit your bottom line hard. Each no-show costs practices an estimated $200 (and even more for surgeons). In an industry worth trillions, these missed opportunities add up to over $150 billion annually.

With automated reminders, you can reclaim lost revenue and keep your practice financially healthy.

Start Your Free Trial
  • Increased Attendance Rates
  • Improved Client Satisfaction
  • Enhanced Professionalism
  • Reduced admin burden
  • Early notice of cancellations

Using Inphonite can simplify the running of your business

Let us help you realise the benefits of using our service


Save time

While Inphonite takes care of your appointment reminders, you can give more time to your other responsibilities.


Reduce no shows

Ensure that your patients and clients don't forget their appointments, while also receiving notice of cancellations in time to fill those openings.


Increase satisfaction

Take the hassle out of keeping your patients up to date, while also providing consistent messaging.

General FAQ's

You can also see our full FAQ page here.

Is Inphonite compatible with my EMR?

Inphonite has a flexible import/export module which allows us to integrate with most environments quickly and easily. Our implementation engineers will work together with you to test your system and data and ensure it works before you pay anything.

Can clients confirm or cancel their appointments when they get a call?

Yes. With Inphonite, your clients can press a key on their telephone keypad to confirm or cancel their appointment or perform other actions (e.g. transfer to an operator, repeat the message, leave you a return message, etc.)

What is the implementation process?

To aid in the implementation process, we assign you a single Implementation Specialist to guide you toward, “going live”. The Specialist will configure and test the program and provide hands-on training so you learn how to use the program while creating the exact messages you need.

Setting the Standard in Patient Engagement

With years of industry experience and a robust platform, we continue to lead the way in delivering innovative solutions that drive results and enhance patient care for practices nationwide.


Years in industry


Practices served


Prevented no shows


messages sent daily

Our customers love us for a reason

See what customers are saying about us.

  • Inphonite has decreased patients missing appointments due to forgetting time or date. It has also mede it easier for patients to let us know they will not be making the appointment.


    Yoakum Community Hospital

  • Reasons for choosing Inphonite: Ease of use, flexibility, and ability to manage multiple sites in one system.


    Workwell Occupational Medicine

  • We were working with a current vendor for our EHR needs and they had a relationship with Inphonite. Once we saw how the product meshed with our EHR system, it made it easy to transition to using Inphonite.


    Community Mental Health Center

Increase your earnings, not your missed appointments

Let Inphonite revolutionize the converstions you are having with your customers.

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