Best Appointment Reminder Approaches


Keeping patients informed about appointment reminders is crucial for reducing no-shows and ensuring a smooth healthcare experience. Here are some effective ways to communicate this to your patients:

  1. Multi-Channel Reminders:

    • Phone Calls: Reach out to patients via phone calls to inform them about upcoming appointments. A friendly voice can provide personalized details and answer any questions.

    • Emails: Send appointment reminders via email. Include essential information such as the appointment date, time, and location. Encourage patients to add the appointment to their calendars.

    • Text Messages: Text reminders are convenient and often read promptly. Include concise details and a link for confirmation or rescheduling.

  2. Reasonable Cadence:

    • Send reminders at strategic intervals:

      • 3 Days Before: Remind patients about their upcoming appointment. Include appointment specifics and instructions for rescheduling or canceling.

      • 1 Day Before: A gentle nudge to ensure patients remember their appointment.

      • Day of the Appointment: A final reminder to prompt timely arrival.

  3. Customization and Personalization:

    • Tailor reminders to each patient. Include:

      • Practice Name: Reinforce your brand identity.

      • Provider’s Name: If applicable, mention the provider.

      • Appointment Details: Date, time, and type of appointment.

      • Location or Address: Ensure patients know where to go.

  4. Opt-Out Option:

    • Give patients the chance to confirm their appointment or opt out of receiving additional reminders. Respecting their preferences fosters a positive patient experience.

Remember, appointment reminders not only reduce no-shows but also demonstrate your commitment to patient care. By implementing these strategies, you’ll enhance patient satisfaction and streamline your practice. ?????????


  1. Tebra: 9 Appointment Reminder Templates

  2. ClinicSense: A Guide To Mastering Patient Appointment Reminders

  3. Orchid Exchange: How to Use Patient Appointment Reminders to Avoid No Shows

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